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Glamfit offers amazingly inspirational fitness classes.  You will feel the positive energy oozing from your pores in these great classes!  Each class consists of : Warm-up, Basic Training, Cooldown, and a relaxing final Stretch.  The classes are designed for all fitness levels.  Everyone is encouraged to work at their own pace.


Get ready to stretch your muscles, relax your mind, and feel amazing!  Glamfusion is a class that was created to focus on stretching while incorporating some yoga and pilate based moves.  This class will create; core strength, flexibility and a remarkable awareness of your body.  The fusion of the 3 modalitites will enlighten you to the importance of the mind body connection with relation to movement and muscles.  Pilates based moves allows us to focus on core strength, breathing, and balance within the body.  Yoga based moves allow us to incorporate​ the mind focus, relaxation, and an overall sense of well-being.  This class has the perfect blend to awaken your body to feel refreshed and empowered.  Blanket yourself in this yummy treat for your body and soul.


Are you looking for results?  Are you bored with classes that repeat the same moves?  This class is full of variety.  Every class is unique.  We use stability balls, weighted balls, body weight exercises, resistance bands and more.   Are you looking to tone, shape, strengthen, and transform your body into a vision?   Come along for the ride of your life!  What are they saying about our bootcamp classes?  "Wow! What amazing results after only 5 classes!"  "I felt muscles I never knew I had after theses classes!"  Join us and and see your potential!  You will be amazed at how quickly you see results with this variety style bootcamp!



How busy is your schedule?  Are you always struggling for quality time together?

When you work out as a couple it allows you to spend the quality time together while fitting in a great workout.  Life can be stressful and relationships can be too.  At the end of this workout you will both feel energized and happy!  It's our form of "couples counselling".

The class consists of a variety of excercises that focus on partner training.  Studies show the endorphins you get from working out also boost libido! Bonus!  Come train and laugh and train some more.

Role Model

Have you ever enjoyed a workout with your child?  Why not model the importance of fitness to your child?  Habits established in childhood remain with people throughout their lives.  As parents let's help our children develop healthy routines and active lifestyles.  Our children are inspirations to all of us.  Let's show them how to have fun while enjoying fitness.  One of the best forms of fitness for children is fitness that allows them to share quality time with YOU while staying healthy.

Don't have children?  Why not workout with a niece, nephew, or close friend of the family?


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